Legal Disclaimer

Data: Gabriele Steiner Bergstr. 44 c/o Andreas Steiner 71384 Weinstadt


Phone: 0049-7151 909886
Fax: 0049-7151 909895
E-Mail: [email protected]

Source: Law firm Sören Siebert


Liability for the contents. As service providers we are legally responsible for the contents of our own pages. However, we are not obligated to monitor submitted and stored data nor do we have to investigate the circumstances, should they indicate unlawful activities. According to the general law the obligation of removing or barring the use of information remain unaffected hereof. However a liability concerning this matter is only possible from the date of notice about a palpable violation of the law. Liability for links. Our website includes links to websites of third parties, the contents of which we have no bearings on. Hence we cannot assume liability for the contents of these external links. The provider or operator of these external links is responsible for their contents at all times. At the moment of linkage these pages have been examined for possible infringements, however, no unlawful contents could be found at this time. Yet an ongoing supervision of the contents of these external links is not reasonable without a precise indication of infringement. Should this be brought to our attention we will immediately remove such external links from our website. Copyright The works and contents implemented by the provider of these pages are subject to German copyright. The duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation beyond the copyrights are required to be made in writing by the respective author or originator. Downloads and copies of this page are for private use only. As far as the contents of these pages are not created by the operator, the copy right of a third party shall be considered. In particular the content of third parties shall be identified as such. However, should such legal violations become known to us we shall remove such contents forthwith. Data protection To use our website usually no personal data are requested. Should we refer to personal data on our pages (i.e. names, addresses or email addresses), we were provided with them voluntarily if possible. No personal data will be forwarded to any third parties without your express consent. We should like to point out that the data transfer via internet (i.e. email communication) features security vulnerabilities. A complete data protection from random access by thired parties cannot be guaranteed. We explicitly distance ourselves from the transmission of unsolicited promotional material by third parties based on the contact data we are obligated to publish under the legal information of this website. The operators of these pages explicitly reserve the right to take legal action in case of transmission of unsolicited promotional information such as spam-mails, etc. Data protection for the use of Google Analytics. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. Google Analytics uses so-called cookies, text files which are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information regarding your use of this website provided by the cookie shall be transferred to a Google server in USA where they shall be stored. In the event of activation of the IP-anonymization feature on this website, your IP-address will be shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or other states that are contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. In exceptional cases only will the full IP-address be transferred to the server of Google USA and then it will be shortened there. Google will use this information under the authority of the provider of this website in order to evaluate your use of the site, to produce reports on website activities and to provide other services related to the website and the internet use for the provider of the website. The IP-address transferred by your browser in line with Google Analytics will not be amalgamated with other Google data. You can avoid the installation of cookies by appropriately adjusting your browser software. However, we would like to point out that, if you do so, you might not be able to make full use of all the functions of this website. Furthermore you can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to the use of the website (incl. your IP-address) transferred to Google as well as the processing of these data, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: Google Analytics Privacy Policy