Wie bewegen sich Waren vom Hersteller zum Kunden normalerweise? Und wie durch Empfehlungsmarketing? Symbolisch durch 4 Gegenstände dargestellt wird jedem spielend klar, was die Unterschiede sind und was an klassischen Ausgaben eingespart wird, die dadurch aktiven Empfehlern zu Gute kommen und diesen ein 2. Einkommensstandbein ermöglichen können.
The children are just six years old, some of them maybe seven or eight. These shabby little figures with dirty faces, some of them barefoot or in worn-out shoes, run for their lives. They are on their way to the big city, Katmandu. They have left their
How are goods moved from the manufacturer to the end consumer in the traditional way? And how by referral marketing? A quick demonstration, using 4 items everyone can relate to, that explains what the differences are, and how active referrers can benefit and build up a second
“Death is part of life” an article about a project of the association, Networker for Humanity (NfH), from the online magazine Obtainer edition 03/09. The NfH supports the Centre for Children and Teenagers in Mourning whose role is to help them overcome the death of a parent.